6 Benefits You’ll Receive as a Volunteer Firefighter

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The work performed by volunteers is valued by community members and those at each level of government. For this reason, numerous material benefits are available to volunteers from the federal, state, and local governments.
These include:

  • Training – Utilizing the latest equipment and techniques.
  • State Income Tax Benefits – $200 for individuals. $400 for couples who file jointly.
  • Free Health Checkups – Provided annually at no cost to volunteers.
  • Low-Cost Health Insurance – The same affordable plans available to municipal employees.
  • Scholarships and Tuition Reimbursement – For volunteers meeting certain requirements.
  • Service Awards – Formal recognition tied to length of service.

For details on the benefits available please call (518) 756-6310.

Why become a volunteer firefighter? Life Experiences

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William Greenwood became a New Hampshire volunteer firefighter because he witnessed a car accident involving his sister. He saw volunteer firefighters struggle to gather enough members to respond to the emergency, and decided he wanted to be a solution to this problem. You can benefit from this sense of community and shared purpose by joining one of Albany County’s volunteer fire companies.

Apply to become an Albany County volunteer firefighter online at http://achvfire.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3p3/

Why become a volunteer firefighter? Community

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Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy served as a volunteer firefighter for seven years. He says the collaboration and diverse mix of skills present in volunteer fire companies forms the bedrock of community service. You can benefit from this sense of community and shared purpose by joining one of Albany County’s volunteer fire companies.

Ladies Auxiliary Clam Chowder Sale 4PM March 8th and 22nd

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The Coeymans Hollow Ladies Auxiliary will once again be making their delicious Manhattan Clam Chowder this Friday March 8, the second of three sales during Lent. The Ladies will be busy chopping the freshest vegetables available and combining them with spices and clams to make our Chowder delicious. Our Chowder also freezes very well so you can stock up and enjoy it all year long. The Chowder Sale will begin at 4:00p.m. at the Coeymans Hollow Fire House, State Rt 143 in Coeymans Hollow. Please come out to the Hollow to purchase the best and freshest Chowder in town. All proceeds from the Chowder Sale will benefit the Coeymans Hollow Scholarship Fund. We appreciate your support of the Coeymans Hollow Ladies Auxiliary. NOTE The third and final Chowder sale will be held on Friday March 22.

Members selling clam chowder this Friday as a fund raiser